Caution! This tank is a FAKE!
На базе среднего танка 25TP разрабатывались два варианта самоходных артиллерийских установок. Первый вариант предполагал установку 120-мм гаубицы за орудийным щитом в передней части корпуса. Работы над САУ были свёрнуты на стадии эскизного проектирования.
Caution! This tank was fully fabricated by our research group and is a FAKE! The chassis and the gun exist apart in real life, but they were never joined together this way.
Caution! This tank is a FAKE!
На базе среднего танка 25TP разрабатывались два варианта самоходных артиллерийских установок. Второй вариант предполагал установку 155-мм гаубицы в открытой сверху и сзади рубке в кормовой части корпуса. Работы над САУ были свёрнуты на стадии эскизного проектирования.
Caution! This tank was fully fabricated by our research group and is a FAKE! The chassis and the gun exist apart in real life, but they were never joined together this way.
Caution! This tank is a FAKE!
Один из проектов самоходной артиллерийской установки, разработанных инженером Э.Хабихом в 1939 году. 152-миллиметровое орудие планировалось разместить в полуоткрытой рубке в задней части корпуса, в качестве базы для САУ предполагался перспективный 40-тонный тяжёлый танк разработки Хабиха. Машина существовала только в эскизах.
Caution! This tank was fully fabricated by our research group and is a FAKE! The gun existed in real life but the chassis was invented by WG, and they were never joined together this way.
Caution! This tank is a FAKE!
Один из проектов самоходной артиллерийской установки, разработанных инженером Э.Хабихом в 1939 году. 155-миллиметровое орудие планировалось разместить в полуоткрытой рубке в задней части корпуса, в качестве базы для САУ предполагался перспективный 45-тонный тяжёлый танк разработки Хабиха. Машина существовала только в эскизах.
Caution! This tank was fully fabricated by our research group and is a FAKE! The gun existed in real life but the chassis was invented by WG, and they were never joined together this way.
Caution! This tank is a FAKE!
Помимо проекта тяжёлого танка, инженером А.Марковским был также предложен проект САУ на его базе, оснащённой 220-мм мортирой. Данная машина не вышла из стадии аванпроекта.
Caution! This tank was fully fabricated by our research group and is a FAKE! The gun existed in real life but the chassis is fake, and they were never joined together this way.
Caution! This tank is a FAKE!
В 1937-39 годах в Польше велась разработка тяжёлой 310-мм мортиры. В связи с большой массой мортиры, затрудняющей её буксировку, было принято решение о разработке самоходного шасси для данной мортиры. В 1939 году было предложено использовать для этой цели шасси перспективного тяжёлого танка разработки А.Марковского, облегчённое и удлинённое на один каток. Работы не вышли из стадии аванпроекта.
Caution! This tank was fully fabricated by our research group and is a FAKE! The gun existed in real life but the chassis is fake, and they were never joined together this way.
Experimental SPG based on the 4TP light tank chassis
После отказа от лёгкого разведывательного танка 4TP (PZInz. 140) в 1937 году было предложено использовать шасси данного танка для создания лёгкой противотанковой САУ. Корпус машины собирался из бронелистов толщиной 15 мм, в передней части корпуса устанавливалась 37-мм или 47-мм противотанковая пушка. Военные не проявили интереса к новой машине, и серийное производство PZInz. 160 начато не было. Был построен только один прототип (по другим данным, работы прекратились ещё на стадии полноразмерного макета)
Project of improved PZInz. 160 with lowered hull
Вариант истребителя танков PZInz. 160 с уменьшенной высотой корпуса (также известно обозначение PZInz. 161). В металле реализован не был.
Caution! This tank is a FAKE!
Во время разработки среднего танка 25TP высказывались предложения о создании на его базе противотанковой САУ. Работы были прекращены на стадии аванпроекта.
Caution! This tank was fully fabricated by some enthusiasts and is a FAKE!
Caution! This tank is a FAKE!
Проект истребителя танков на базе Т-34-85, разработанный в Польше во второй половине 40-х годов. Существовал только в эскизах.
Caution! This tank was fully fabricated by some enthusiasts and is a FAKE!
Caution! This tank is a FAKE!
Проект глубокой модернизации штурмовой САУ ИСУ-152 и противотанковой САУ ИСУ-122. Предполагалось снижение боевой массы примерно до 40 тонн, установка более мощного двигателя, увеличение объёма топливных баков, модернизация подвески, и установка современного оборудования для преодоления водных преград. Проект не был реализован в металле.
Caution! This tank was fully fabricated by some enthusiasts and is a FAKE!
The image of this tank needs a total rebuilding due to mistakes it has.
Caution! This tank is a FAKE!
Проект штурмовой САУ/истребителя танков на базе перспективного среднего танка CS-59. Ориентиром при создании проекта служила советская САУ СУ-122-54. Работы были свёрнуты на стадии эскизного проектирования.
Caution! This tank was fully fabricated by our research group and is a FAKE!
Caution! This tank is a FAKE!
Вместе с проектом тяжёлого танка курсантом Военно-Технической Академии Тадеушем Тышкевичем был представлен проект противотанковой САУ на его базе. По проекту рубка с орудием должна была располагаться в кормовой части корпуса. Работы были свёрнуты на стадии эскизного проектирования.
Caution! This tank was fully fabricated by our research group and is a FAKE!
Caution! This tank is a FAKE!
Проект штурмовой САУ на базе тяжёлого танка разработки Ричарда Левандовского. Существовала только в эскизах.
Caution! This tank was fully fabricated by our research group and is a FAKE!
Hybrid tank/APC developed by Polish colonel P.Chrobok
Col. Chrobok’s first design was submitted in December 1940 while residing at the Polish Army camp in Rothesay, and titled ‘Improvements Relating to Automobile Gun-Carriages.’ The object of the design was to provide heavy and light ordnance in the tank along with a contingent of foot troops and other portable equipment such as light field guns all in one package.
The front of this first design would concentrate its armament with a wide array of guns consisting of heavy armour-piercing guns, heavy machine guns, flame throwing devices and anti-aircraft guns as thought fit. The entire vehicle was to be armor plated, with special care being given to the crew cabin. The rear troop area of the vehicle was specified to have armored sides and, depending on the requirement, would have either a waterproof fabric cover or an armored roof.
Inside the rear troop compartment were a series of stepped bench-seats arranged longitudinally for troops with a storage area underneath for equipment. The whole area was accessed through a large rear hatch which could hinge either downwards or outwards. The side walls were also intended to open in order to facilitate loading or offloading as the vehicle was also intended to move supplies and the wounded on stretchers. The complete specification for this patent application was complete by 27th December 1941 and it was accepted on 6th July 1942 under Patent number GB 546,287(A).
Note that this is multi-turreted vehicle. In-game, the bigger front turret wil be considered as main turret and two smaller front turrets will be considered as secondary turrets.
Hybrid tank/APC developed by Polish colonel P.Chrobok
In January 1941, Colonel Chrobok submitted a second and improved variation of his first design, this time titled ‘An Improved Armoured Gun Carriage.’ The most substantial change brought by this improved design was the addition of a small round turret at the rear of the machine, which was to serve as an anti-aircraft gun. A less obvious difference was the addition of two parallel longitudinal firing ports on each side of the troop compartment, permitting the troops to fire from within.
Note that this is multi-turreted vehicle. In-game, the rear turret will be considered an main turret and two smaller front turrets will be considered as secondary turrets.
Hybrid tank/APC developed by Polish colonel P.Chrobok
The last hybrid tank/APC designed by Pawel Chrobok in 1943 under the title "Improved Armoured Gun Carriage". This new tank design was intended to fulfil offensive and defensive roles and equipped with, according to Chrobok, “very powerful offensive armament.” With a similar frontal aspect to the previous designs, this design specified that the cylindrical gun turrets (one or more) would be sunk into the body and have a diameter of approximately ⅓ of the overall vehicle width. Specifically, there would be an overlap on the side walls in order to provide buoyancy and the large amphibious design would be propelled in the water by its tracks.
Note that this is multi-turreted vehicle. In-game, the rearmost turret will be considered as main turret, and one of two other turrets (mid or foremost) will be considered as secondary. Also, in-game its secondary double-barreled gun will only be able to fire double shots.
Early concept of super-heavy tank created by Stanislav Lem.
Early concept of super-heavy tank designed by Stanislav Lem in 1944, also known as "Huge sized tank" (Czołg wielikih rozmiarów) or "Battleship tank" (Czołg Pancernik). Didn't passed through conceptual design phasee.
Note that this is multi-turreted vehicle. In-game, the rear AA turret will be considered as secondary turret. Also, in-game its secondary gun will only be able to fire double shots.
Super-heavy "Battleship tank" designed by Stanislav Lem
The design of super-heavy tank weighting about 220 tons was created by Stanislav Lem in September 1944. The tank was supposed to have six turrets — main turret with single large-caliber gun, secondary turret with two light AA guns and four machine gun turrets. It should have thick rounded cast armor plating and its chassis consisted of four independent caterpillars. It didn't passed through design stage.
Note that this is multi-turreted vehicle. In-game, the rear AA turret will be considered as secondary turret. Also, in-game its secondary gun will only be able to fire double shots.
Caution! This tank is a FAKE!
Caution! This tank was fully fabricated by our research group and is a FAKE! The chassis and the gun exist apart in real life, but they were never joined together this way.
Caution! This tank is a FAKE!
Caution! This tank was fully fabricated by our research group and is a FAKE! The chassis and the gun exist apart in real life, but they were never joined together this way.
Caution! This tank is a FAKE!
Caution! This tank was fully fabricated by our research group and is a FAKE! The chassis and the gun exist apart in real life, but they were never joined together this way.
Caution! This tank is a FAKE!
Caution! This tank was fully fabricated by our research group and is a FAKE! The chassis and the gun exist apart in real life, but they were never joined together this way.
Caution! This tank is a FAKE!
Caution! This tank was fully fabricated and is a FAKE!
Caution! This tank is a FAKE!
Caution! This tank was fully fabricated by our research group and is a FAKE!
Caution! This tank is a FAKE!
Caution! This tank was fully fabricated by our research group and is a FAKE!
Caution! This tank is a FAKE!
Caution! This tank was fully fabricated by our research group and is a FAKE!
Caution! This tank is a FAKE!
Caution! This tank was fully fabricated by our research group and is a FAKE!
Caution! This tank is a FAKE!
Caution! This tank was fully fabricated by our research group and is a FAKE!
Caution! This tank is a FAKE!
Caution! This tank was fully fabricated and is a FAKE!
Caution! This tank is a FAKE!
Caution! This tank was fully fabricated and is a FAKE!